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Languages and Literature of Assam

Restoration of distorted images is one of the most interesting and important problems of image processing - from the theoretical, as well as from the practical point of view. There are especial cases: blurring due to incorrect focus and blurring due to movement - and these very defects which each of you knows very well, and which are very difficult to repair were selected as the subject of this article. As for other image defects noise, incorrect exposure, distortion , the humanity has learned how to correct them, any good photo editor has that tools. Why is there almost no means for correction of blurring and defocusing except unsharp mask - maybe it is impossible to do this at all?

Restoration of defocused and blurred images

Assamese is spoken all along the Brahmaputra valley and sounds quite sounds quite similar to Bengali to a non-speaker i. Madhava Kandali 14th century was the next well-known figure, having written a vernacular Ramayana. A language of the Tibeto-Burman branch of Sino-Tibetan languages having several dialects. Bodo is spoken in the northeastern Indian states of Assam and Meghalaya and in Bangladesh. Rabha is a Sino-Tibetan language of India.

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Zapata, Jr. Nov 7, Investigation Interviews 25, comments. DOI has the power to subpoena witnesses or documents, administer oaths and to examine such persons that it may deem necessary in ascertaining facts in connection with any study or investigation it is authorized by law to investigate.

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