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Sticky Date Cake

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Petrovich 1 2019

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Il terzo concorso fotografico del Chèi de Bèrghem
Книги серии
Сборные модели кораблей

Sticky Date Cake is one of the most decadent desserts out there. It has both dates and brown sugar for the sweetness element and turns out super moist with a beautiful caramelized, brown color and taste. This cake goes wonderfully with any kind of hot beverage like tea, coffee or traditional Arabic kahwa, topped with butterscotch sauce and walnuts. Dates — Any soft variety such as Mejdool or Sukari , pitted. Brown Sugar — light or dark, skip if you are looking for sugar free version, because dates will add enough sweetness.

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Il terzo concorso fotografico del Chèi de Bèrghem
Step by Step Process

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